Members of the Convenience and Impulse team were recognised recently for the service of the C&I magazine and Expo to the petrol and convenience industry at the Australasian Association of Convenience Stores (AACS) Annual Gala Awards Dinner last month.
The recognition was accepted by Safa de Valois in the form of an award which cited “For thirty years of service to the convenience and impulse industry”.
AACS CEO Jeff Rogut said of the recognition: “We recognise Keith (Berg) and Safa (de Valois) for the contribution made to the convenience industry over the past 30 years from both the magazine and expo perspectives”.
“I saw it as a terrific and dedicated effort,” he said.
C&I Magazine was founded by Keith Berg in January 1988 and Commercial Director, Safa de Valois, joined the company in March 2011. Mr Berg retired two weeks ago, but will stay on as a director of C&I Media.
You can see a full history written by Keith of the life and times of the industry as reflected in the pages of C&I in its special Anniversary Issue at https://issuu.com/theintermediagroup/docs/c_i_retailing_magazine_30th_anniver