retail theft

Police arrest 24 of Victoria’s most prolific retail thieves

A new retail theft team has arrested 24 of Melbourne’s most prolific alleged retail thieves in just over a month.

The operation, called STAND, sees a dedicated team of police work daily with major and independent retailers to identify thieves who threaten safety and hold them to account.

Superintendent Brett Kahan, Operation STAND Police Commander, said retail theft might sound like a victimless crime, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

“Retail staff have long been dealing with intimidating, aggressive and violent behaviour and it was time we took a stand against it.

“Because of STAND, 24 prolific and allegedly violent retail thieves have been arrested and we have more closely in our sights.”

Of the 24 arrested, eight have been arrested before, with the total amount of goods allegedly stolen from CBD, Richmond, and Collingwood stores totalling over $200,000.

Police have been using an online platform, designed to streamline communication, to engage regularly with 23 retailers who have multiple stores across the CBD.

The platform means retailers can notify STAND directly when a non-urgent incident occurs, instantly providing police important information such as CCTV and descriptions of offenders.

“To the people who think they can steal and use intimidation tactics to get away with it, know that your time is up, and you will be held to account.

“Everyone deserves to feel safe at work, so we will continue to run this operation until that is the case,” said Superintendent Kahan.

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