Coon cheese celebrates heritage in new commercial

Coon Snacks 160g-2DWarrnambool Cheese and Butter (WCB) has launched a new integrated advertising campaign for Coon cheese, celebrating the heritage of the brand and its everyday use by Australians.

The campaign runs across TV, print and digital media. The TV commercial aired for the first time on Sunday June 12, and portrays a mother and daughter passing on the tradition of Coon cheese toasties over several decades under the tagline, “Comfort never grows old”.

The campaign, developed by advertising agency Havas Melbourne, is the first in nearly three years for Coon after the brand was purchased by WCB from Lion Dairy and Drinks in 2015.

Ted Lawson WCB GM of marketing said the commercial is a celebration of Coon’s heritage.

“For the past 81 years Coon cheese has been enjoyed by Australian families and is a staple of everyday life,” Mr Lawson said.

“We hope the TVC reminds Australians of their childhood, growing up with Coon cheese and the pleasure and comfort of enjoying a cheese toastie with family. This is a tradition that we want to continue.”

The television commercial will appear across primetime media such as Masterchef Australia and The Voice and within specific STV, online and print media environments.

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3 thoughts on “Coon cheese celebrates heritage in new commercial”

  1. Great cheese, great ad, great song! Can some please tell me the name and who sings the song?

  2. Has any one have photo / video peter Russell Clark at Coonamble 1994 in front of the tats hotel doing coon ad on his push bike?

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