A study from the Medical Journal of Australia has revealed some of the interesting things found in the liquid of e-cigarettes sold online and over-the-counter.
According to TenDaily, around 60% of the liquid analysed as nicotine-free, contained the nicotine.
All liquids tested showed traces of the toxic chemical 2-chlorophenol, TenDaily said.
Head researcher Alexander Larcombe, said he was surprised to find the toxin.
“It’s classified as acutely toxic,” Professor Larcombe said.
“We also found other things — by-products of animal or human bodily function– which indicates the process of making the e-liquids might not be as clean as you might hope,” he said.
TenDaily said other ingredients used to make soap, detergents and solvents were also found.
“The real take-home message here is that people are buying these liquids unaware of what’s in them, and there’s no way they can tell based on what the label says,” Professor Larcombe said.
The soap/detergent ingridients would by glycerin which is also used as a sweetener.
Seems like a beat up by TenDaily