Lavazza offers sustainable choices

Lavazza coffee and have joined forces to present a list of ways consumers can switch up their every day to contribute to a more sustainable future.

Two of the things that are highlighted within the article are ‘petrol-guzzling cars’, plastic bags and certified coffee beans.

“Petrol-guzzling cars are bad for our health and the planet. The department of the environment and energy says light passenger and commercial vehicles produced over 59oMt of CO2-e in 2016, which accounted for over 11 per cent of all greenhouse gas emissions produced in Australia,” the article stated.

“Greenhouse gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), trap heat from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere, causing the greenhouse effect and climate change.”

The solution offered in the article is to switch to an electric or hybrid vehicle.

“Australia still has a long way to go regarding infrastructure or government incentives when it comes to electric and hybrid cars, but we’re starting to make headway to catch up with the rest of the world,” it said.

“Despite the slow uptake of greener cars in Australia, research indicates drivers are getting serious about purchasing one. Although the upfront cost is still more than a regular car, prices for some models are falling, like the Toyota Prius, Mitsubishi Outlander and Nissan Leaf. Luxury car brands are expected to launch electric models later this year, too.”

When it comes to coffee, Lavazza said collectively, Australians drink around 16.3 million cups of coffee per day- that’s a lot of coffee grounds left behind.

“But before your brew hits your cup, it has already been on one hell of a ride,” the article said.

“From Peru to Honduras and Colombia to India, coffee farms around the world routinely destroy rainforest and use unsustainable farming practices that require more energy, fertilisers and water.

“Coffee is the second most traded product in the world, after oil. This makes it very difficult to pinpoint exactly how and where it has been grown, and whether the farming communities have been exploited.”

The solution is to switch to certified coffee.

“The easiest way to ensure your coffee has been sourced ethically and sustainably is to look for certifications like the Rainforest Alliance, Australian Certified Organic. Lavazza ¡Tierra! is a sustainably grown coffee range launched last year in Australia, which includes UTZ certified organic coffee beans and Rainforest Alliance certified single origin ground coffee,” the article said.

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