Packaged food and soft drinks purchases contribute 765 calories a day to average global consumer intake

Consumers are increasingly looking for better-for-you and healthier products and manufacturers are paying attention with the release of products designed to address consumer concerns, and, according to Lauren Bandy, nutrition analyst at market research company Euromonitor International, “Understanding how packaged food and soft drink brands contribute to the total purchase of nutrients by category and country helps address the rising concern of nutritional value in food”.

This week released Euromonitor released new research examining the total amount of nutrients purchased per-person per day through packaged food and soft drinks products.

The research shows the average global consumer purchases 765 calories each day through packaged food and soft drinks. Marked difference in calories purchased as packaged food and beverages are evident across countries, with North America and Western Europe purchasing over 1500 calories, with Australia following closely with a 1459 average. These figures compare to the recommended calorie intake of around 2000 for an adult.

Mexico buys the most calories a day with 1928 calories per person, which is 380 calories more than the US. The additional 380 calories is the equivalent of an extra slice of pizza per person every day in Mexico. Germany buys nearly twice as much fat per capita per day than Japan, and France purchases more calories from bread each day than India does from packaged food and soft drinks combined. India purchases an average of 150 calories as packaged food and beverages per day.

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